RIP # 49: A Magnificent Ritual for Daily Alignment

A Magnificent Ritual for Daily Alignment

Let us learn and practice a simple and beautiful ritual to align ourselves with our current reality, intended reality and universal truth. Though simple, this ritual incorporates within it many elements (principles and practices) of conscious living, such as: acceptance, responsibility, forgiveness, love, gratitude, power of intention, visualization, vocalization, heart coherence, ho'oponopono, prayer, the energy of blessings, trust, surrender, letting go, journaling, water therapy, switchwords, sacred space, and more.

Sounds too good? Let us try it and see if any of this is true.

Before you start, you will need the following things:

1) Three cups - glass / clay / steel / any material is fine. Natural materials are preferable. Cups / tumblers with a thin lip is nice as it makes it easier to pour water. 

2) A bottle of water - room temperature is okay. Slightly warm or cold is also fine. 

3) A sheet of A4 size paper or a notebook that opens out flat.

4) A pen / writing material.

5) Optional extra: A candle and lighter / matches

It will be easier to do this practice on a firm and flat surface - floor is fine, so is a table. 

It should be a surface where it is easy to keep all these things and also write on. 

How to practice:

1) Light the candle to invoke a sense of sacred space (optional). Draw a line down the center of the paper. Draw a circle on the upper left side and one on the upper right side. The circle needs to be large enough to accommodate your cup or glass. Write the headings "Current Reality" on the left side and "Intended Reality" on the right side.

2) Write something on the left side (your current reality) which you are not completely at peace with. For example, Spending too much time on social media.

3) Write on the right side (intended reality) the best possible outcome for this, even if you have no idea how it can happen or if it is even possible for you. For example, Identifying and doing the most important things first before checking social media.

4) Put a cup in the left circle and slowly pour some water in it as you read what you wrote in your current reality.

5) Look at what you wrote and bring the cup to your heart. Repeat the Ho'oponopono Prayer: "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you!" Repeat this prayer once or several times. Practice for 15 secs to 2 mins or more.

6) Put a cup in the right circle and slowly pour the water in it from the first cup as you read your intended reality. Feel as though you are completely moving into this new reality.

7) Bring the cup to your heart and be grateful like this has already happened. Visualize it like it is already so. Come into vibrational alignment with your intention. Feel it as if it is real. Practice for 15 secs to 2 mins or more.

8) Pour the water from the second cup into your third cup (placed above the sheet of paper or notebook). This cup represents Universal Wisdom/ Ultimate Truth/ God/ Tao/ Dharma/ The Larger Intelligence of Life.

9) Bring the cup to your heart and trust that this or something better will happen. Practice surrender / letting go for 15 secs to 2 mins or more.

10) Now slowly and mindfully sip the water while inwardly repeating "Divine Done!" or "How wonderful!" or "And so it is!" or "Tathasthu!: or any other empowering phrase.

11) Repeat steps 2 to 10 as many times as you wish.

12) Conclude the practice with gratitude. Extinguish the flame of the candle releasing all the energies back to their essence. This Magnificent Ritual is now complete!

Further Notes:

1) This simple ritual that can be done daily or as often as one likes.

2) It is inspired by the "Two Cup Manifestation Method" which I have tweaked and reimagined.

3) It is also inspiring to look up the work of Masaru Emoto on how water has memory.

4) Look up the book "Zero Limits" by Ihaleakala Hew Len for more information on Ho'oponopono

5) If you like you can play this Ho'oponopono song while doing this practice:

Emoto for children.pdf
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